Prayer For a Difficult Time
Recently, Rose Redmond, Activities Coordinator for Brothers & Sisters Homes, met with the men at Brothers Home 1. She asked them what they would include in a prayer about their circumstances during the Coronavirus pandemic. She then took their ideas and suggestions and wrote the following prayer in a litany format for them as well as others who might want to use or adapt it.
Prayer For a Difficult Time
We have to stay home from our jobs. We should remember the people who don’t have a choice to stay home: the doctors, the nurses, the police. Lord protect them.
We have to wash our hands and keep a safe distance. Help us remember the people who don’t have running water or soap to stay clean. Lord protect them.
We can’t go out to movies, game stores or restaurants. Help us remember those who are sick or unable to move in bed or in hospitals. Lord heal them.
We miss our families and our friends. We know that we will see them again soon. Lord protect them.
Thank You, Lord, for our health and for the people who are keeping us safe.
Grant us patience as we move through the Lenten season and beyond. Our small sacrifices are so minor compared to those of many others; especially our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Help us to remember and be grateful for our many blessings.
Bless those who are working on finding a cure and a vaccine for this virus. Give them the wisdom so we can soon get things back to normal.