HDC recently updated—more like overhauled—its self-guided orientation which is free and online for anyone. This update was largely done in response to the decision by the HDC Board to include more congregations and denominations belonging to the broader “Reformed” community of churches. (See preceding article, Decision to Include More Churches . . .)
HDC’s self-guided orientation is an overview of HDC along with an orientation for those called to serve as deacons or in ministry of a diaconal nature within their congregation and community to which God has called and placed them. So, whether you are a deacon, a pastor, a member of a mission or outreach team, or belong to a church that is considering a partnership with the Holland Deacons’ Conference (HDC), this orientation is for you.
Please check it out and share it with anyone who might benefit from it at your church. It is not our intent or desire to keep this information confined to any single group within the church. The work and calling of deacons is everyone’s responsibility as members of Christ’s Body, the Church. (Ephesians 4:11-12)